‘Israel Arms Insurgents in Darfur’

Sudanese administration, therefore, advocates that Israel provides support for the insurgents in the region. According to the news of Al Ahram, a prominent Egyptian newspaper, published the other day (December 29), Jordan Minister of Arts and Culture and Spokesperson for the government Asma Khudur announced that they caught two Israeli smugglers having “links to Israeli intelligence” who were carrying weapons for the insurgents. Sudan Embassy authorities in Egypt also confirmed the news. Sudanese officials claim that some Western countries and particularly Israel in close cooperation with insurgents.

According to the paper, Khudur emphasized exchange of the two Israelis, who are in custody, with the Jordanian convicts in Israel is not the issue and that they will be punished. Jordanian newspapers claim in their news based on the Arab intelligence sources for a long time that a gang selling weapons to insurgents in Darfurwere caught; however, these papers did not point Jordan intelligence as the source.

According to the claims, one of the arrestedconfessed that he was working with someone who was undersecretary during Ehud Barak’s government and the son of a high-level intelligence official. Another arrested is also claimed to be a businessman making exportand import in Israel. Both smugglers also confessed that they had relations with one of the prominent arm producers in Israel according to the newspapers’ claims. Gang members explained that they sold weapons for Darfurian insurgents and also provided official help for some insurgents to be trained in Israel. Israel had announced short while ago that it would provide food supply for an Arab country for the first time in its history and had decided to send humanitarian aid to Darfur. Standing at the first rows on the campaigns about the Darfur issue, some prominent Jewish institutions in US emphasize on a significant tragedy taking place in this country and therefore, US intervention is necessary.