In his book ‘Turkey, Europe, Eurasia,’ Cem wrote about the first steps of the transformation process in Cyprus and relations with Greece. Cem’s remarks are very interesting: ‘Our Foreign Ministry and the TRNC produced new thoughts and solutions. We developed solutions based on a confederation as well as details of a possible agreement. As a matter of fact, certain parts of the Turkish offer ended up being included in the UN plan for Cyprus, or they influenced the shape of the plan. Every positive feature of the plan was discussed with TRNC President Rauf Denktas…’

Thanks to the Cypriot Turks accepting the UN plan and the support of the Turkish government, the EU has taken the first steps towards lifting the embargo. Is this sufficient? I think not. The issue of how and from where the TRNC’s products will be transported to Europe is not clear. Europe’s attitude on air transport could be clearer, but this is a process. The European Commission’s proposal will come into force after the European Council approves it. The TRNC being able to seize this opportunity, that is, being able to develop an industry open for competition and encouraging domestic and foreign investment, depends on strengthening its infrastructure and doing the necessary legal work. TRNC Chamber of Commerce head Ali Erel is also stressing this issue. He warns that if these measures are neglected, then the EU’s decision will remain only on paper. The process in Cyprus is continuing. ”