Is Turkey Safe For Investment? Six Advantages To Grow Your Business In Turkey For 2023 And Beyond – Inward/ Foreign Investment – Turkey
Business lawyers are continuously asked “Is Turkey safe for
investment or is it safe to invest in Turkey for 2023 and
Beyond?” Legal practitioners including Turkish business lawyers can offer several
answers to this question, but this article will give a brief
outline of six advantages to growing your business in Turkey.
Six advantages to grow your business in Turkey will be analyzed
in this paper. Of course, Turkey has a growing economy, with a
rapidly increasing young population and a growing number of large
companies. Above all, the below-mentioned advantages are of great
importance in attracting sustainable foreign direct investments
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citizenship, please click our Practice Areas, titled Investment.
Why Investing in İstanbul?
Is Turkey safe for investment? Yes, there is a growing
recognition that investing in Istanbul and large cities provide a
peaceful environment to grow business. The available research will
provide six advantages to grow your business in Turkey.
istanbul invest
Is It Safe to Invest in Turkey for and beyond 2023
At this stage, we should bear in mind main benefits of investing
in Istanbul and other cities of Turkey.
Is Turkey a Good Investment Because of Fast Growing
It is critical to note that Turkey is recognized as being in the
top 20 economies in the world. Therefore, the Turkish country
attracts numerous foreign investors from every single region.
Besides, Turkish authorities attach a high priority to the
encouragement of foreign investment. The Country
provides a broad range of initiatives for FDI.
Is Turkey a Good Investment through High Youth
Population Rates
Compared to 10.6 percent of the European Union, despite a slight
decrease, Turkey’s youth population constitutes 15.3% of total
population. This makes Turkey a good place for large-scale
For more detailed information regarding additional advantages of
investing in Turkey through, for instance, property purchase, see
our article on Turkish Citizenship by
six advantages to grow your business
in turkey
Expand Your Business through High Workforce
According to main indicators, the labor force participation rate
for young people was %41.7 percent. These numbers clearly mean that
foreign investors have a great chance to benefit from flexible
employment opportunities.
More information about Main Labor Force Indicators
2021 is available online. accessed 20 May 2022.
Increasing Value of Foreign Currencies
Before making the decision to invest and establish business
operations, investors keep in mind the value of domestic currency
and foreign currencies. Particularly, increasing value of foreign
currencies and decreasing value of Turkish lira play a vital role
in reducing the cost of the institution of necessary infrastructure
for investments including any kind of production.
Investing in İstanbul because of Excellent
Geographic Location
Turkey offers a business-friendly environment, a deep talent
pool and global market access at the nexus of Asia and Europe.
Hence, the Turkish environment is very close to the properly
functioning markets from the east and west. Investing in
İstanbul is seen as a gateway between different continents by
business lawyers and entrepreneurs.
Is Turkey a Good Investment In Terms of Income Tax
The question of how foreign investments are taxed in Turkey is
open to discussion. In that respect, it is significant to note that
the Turkish taxation system is based on residency.
In accordance with the Law on Income Tax, natural persons who
are not resident in Turkey are only taxed on their earnings
generated in Turkey.
Taxation rules dramatically change if the relevant natural or
legal person has a permanent residence in Turkey.
Our comprehensive article on Tax Guide is available
Also, there are regulations and international agreements
preventing double taxation and promoting trade in Turkey.
In accordance with the Law on Corporate Tax, that is also the
case for legal entities. In this sense, foreign companies are only
taxed on their earnings generated through their operation in
Why Do You Need an Investment Advice While Investing in
Turkey has been located in very special territory connecting
three continents, economic regions and numerous people. Turkey
offers a cost-effective environment to entrepreneurs. Thus, several
Turkish companies are interested in growing their business and
extending their investments inside or outside the country. Turkish
markets offer a business-oriented environment together with low
employment and facility costs. An embracing investment advice can be very useful to
maximize all aforementioned advantages. Turkish investment lawyers
can be very useful to improve a proper investment plan in
What Is the Significance of Help by Turkish Business Lawyers in
Legal framework and implementation requires a great deal of
knowledge in every single country. Every single investment project
needs an embracing analysis of applicable Turkish norms. Commercial
activities such as company formations, opening a
branch, mergers and acquisitions, franchising system must be
managed through an efficient legal guidance by foreign investors.
Turkish business lawyers
provide in-depth services to large, middle or small scale of
corporations and|or individuals for their upcoming investment
In the light of the aforementioned considerations, this article
has highlighted six advantages to grow your business in Turkey. To
sum up, the growing economy, high youth and workforce rates,
increasing value of foreign currencies, amazing geographical point,
tax exemptions on foreigners makes Turkey a very attractive place
for investors. Consequently, it is really worth investing in
İstanbul. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that every
investment carries certain risks. Accordingly, companies and
individuals investing in Turkey need a comprehensive legal guide
and strategic advice from business lawyers. Such assistance may be
very instrumental in taking the right steps. Particularly avoiding
high-level risk factors through a full-fledged consultation is very
important in investing in Turkey.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.