Similarly, Le Figaro also stated that the European Union Commission has no political choice other than starting Turkey’s membership negotiations in December. The European dailies have recently expressed optimism over our country’s membership bid. In addition, EU Commissioner Verheugen’s positive statements during his recent visit to Turkey and the report recently issued by the Independent European Commission which praises our government’s efforts on democratization have both greatly contributed to the creation of a positive atmosphere on Turkey in the international community.

There are many reasons for us to be hopeful now. However, we cannot say that the membership is in the bag. Let’s not forget that there are still strong anti-Turkey circles in the EU and anti-EU circles in our country as well. As the critical dates – Sept. 6 when the progress report is to be issued and Sept. 17 when the EU summit is to be held – are approaching, these circles will inevitably elevate their voices. It is the decision makers’ responsibility to prevent any accidents on this path.

The EU circles are dissatisfied with the recent adultery discussion in Turkey, which has been erupted as the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) defended plans for a law that seeks to make adultery illegal. In fact, the timing of these discussions is very wrong. In such a critical period, our government is giving incorrect messages to the EU and the entire world.

Such arguments as the EU does not have the right to intervene our domestic politics are untimely. Let’s remember that the AKP government has recently been successful in doing what the EU requests and made many reforms in line with the Copenhagen criteria. Now, what is the point and purpose of discussing such a relatively unimportant issue in such a critical time?”