Is Israel’s Nuclear Power a Threat?

The IAEA, discussing Israel along with Iran, means that the agency accepts the principle of ‘balanced deterrence’ for the Middle East as well. If we are right on this comment, it means that from now on, Middle Eastern countries like Iran, which are about to complete their nuclear programs, can point to Israel’s nuclear efforts as a pretext to justify their own attempts.

The report that is to be taken up at the Vienna meeting has been prepared by the Arab League which claims that Israel possesses 300 nuclear warheads. Israel had been carrying on a ‘nuclear ambiguity’ policy prior to the Oslo Accords. After that, some Israeli officials, notably then-Foreign Ministry Shimon Peres, have made some statements about the country’s nuclear program. However, Israel has not yet made any official statement confirming that it possesses nuclear warheads and the technology to make nuclear bombs. At the Vienna meeting, the Arab League is going to demand that Israel sign the ‘Nuclear Disarmament Treaty’ and stop its ‘nuclear ambiguity’ policy. If Israel accepts this demand and declares that it possesses nuclear weapons, then it will automatically be dropped off the list of countries that the U.S. can help. If it rejects this demand and continues to stand by the claim that it does not possess nuclear weapons, then it could face the threat such as being asked to open the Dimona Nuclear Facilities, one of the nuclear research centers in the country, to inspection by IAEA experts.

Things that may happen are related to Israel’s nuclear capability. And the issue of whether or not this capability is a threat is related to the disarmament theory. Nuclear weapons possessed by powers like the United States or Russia are never considered a threat to anyone. And the logic is in the belief that these countries cannot be ruled by ‘nuts’ like Iran and Iraq could be. Here the question becomes whether Israel can be ruled by ‘nuts,’ who could dare kill millions of people by pushing a bottom. Israel has been ruled by two ‘former terrorists’ so far. Its current leader has a ‘war crime’ lawsuit that is being delayed by the European courts. The criteria that make the leaders of Iran and Iraq ‘nuclear nuts’ are not known. But if Israel really has 300 nuclear warheads (I even do not take the chemical and biological weapons potential into account), while none of Israel’s possible enemies have any nuclear weapons, and if the number [of warheads] has increased that much, then it means that Israel’s nuclear program has been designed for ‘total annihilation’ not deterrence. In this case, the logic of the project is tantamount to madness. There is no need to bring this madness to the point, as some Palestinians claimed, ‘there aren’t 300 big cities in the Islamic world. Israel is preparing for the possibility of a battle with the entire world.’ Israel will show its ‘mental health’ on the issue of nuclear armament when the file we mentioned above appears in newspaper columns. A nuclear-free Middle East is for the good of both Turkey and Israel. But this should not be a ‘disarmament’ process, which would be forced on Islamic countries in favor of Israel. The idea of the injustice of world system encourages the ‘nuts’ to arm moreā€¦