Iraqis support neither Kerry nor Bush

Many Iraqis believe that the US elections will not affect Iraq, which is bogged down in turmoil as a result of the clashes between coalition forces and insurgents, whoever wins Tuesday’s US presidential elections. Rather than a Democrat or Republican victory, they just want the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

"Neither of them (George W. Bush and John Kerry) have anything to do with Iraq. They should pull US forces out of Iraq," Abu Amer, an Iraqi shop owner said.

Akram Abduljalel, a grocer in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad said, "It does not matter who the US president will be. The important thing for us is the US presence in Iraq. We do not want them in this country."

"For our country’s future, for its stability and security, US forces should be pulled out of Iraq. That’s what we expect from the new US president," another shop owner Abu Adnan said.

Housewife Zainap Abdullah said, "US forces have killed Iraqis, demolished their homes and ruined this country’s future. We only want their withdrawal."

However, Hussein Ali, a businessman, supports Democrat candidate John Kerry. "I want Kerry to win. It may be a better choice for our country," he said.

Abu Ali, a retired worker, said "The current president does not and cannot think about the future of Iraq. Yet Kerry said he will pull US forces out of Iraq. For this reason, I support him in the face of Bush, who allows the US forces to kill innocent people."

"There will not be a drastic change in Iraq after the US elections. Still, I believe Kerry would be a better president. He promised to withdraw US forces from Iraq," another Baghdad resident Abu Muhammad said.