Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis spread unity message

"Sunnis and Shitees were Muslim brothers and sisters." told the Imam during the prayer service. "Preserve the unity of your spirits to prevent provocations aiming to divide Sunnis and Shiites." said the Imam. A crowded group of Iraqi worshippers protested the America and the overthrown Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein after the weekly prayer. The protestors cried as "We are neither Sunni nor Shitee but Muslims all together." The protestors tore green papers, depicting wishes of Iraqi people, amid slogans of "There is
no God but Allah", "The Americe is the enemy of Allah."
Ring of security, including US soldiers and Iraqi police officers, sorrounded the mosque site to avert any disturbances during the pray. Talking through a megaphone, US soldiers warned protestors to disperse peacefully before the protest expanded out of the compound of the mosque. The protest ended without violence.