Iraqi Scientist Killed In U.S. Detention – Report

Although the American military claimed the distinguished chemistry professor died of "brainstem compression", an independent Iraqi autopsy revealed a blunt trauma.

"He died from a massive blow to the head. We don’t disagree with the coalition’s report, but it doesn’t explain how he got his injuries in the first place," the director of Baghdad hospital’s forensic department said.

The apparent murder of a "high-value" detainee, held as part of the search for alleged weapons of mass destruction, none of which was found after more than one-year occupation, is another blow for the Bush administration, still reeling from the Abu Ghraib jail abuse scandal.

For the family of the killed, sentiments of anger are running high.

"I will hate Americans and British people for the rest of my life. You are democrats. You said you were coming to bring democracy, and yet you kill my father. By accepting your governments, you accept what they do here in Iraq," said the scientist’s daughter.

This came after Baghdad University rector Dr. Samy Ahmed Al-Mozaffer declared that the U.S. Occupation forces detained tens of Iraqi scientists from various Iraqi universities.