Iraqi Council not voted against Turkish deployment

Asked about the growing opposition to Turkish deployment in Iraq, not only from the Kurds but also from the Iraqi Governing Council, Rumsfeld said, “The Iraqi Governing Council I do not believe has had a vote opposing Turkish troops in Iraq. There have been one or maybe two members of the Iraqi Governing Council who have opined that they might prefer that that not be the case, but to my knowledge there’s not been a full action of any type by the council, unless there’s something I don’t know.”

Recalled about the Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari’s statement as they oppose any — the foreign minister, Rumsfeld said, “I think I’m right. If I’m wrong, I apologize to everybody, but I believe I’m right that the council has not acted.”

Rumsfeld said, “I understand it, by the Turkish government to provide some troops can be done in a way that’s satisfactory to Turkey, satisfactory to General Abizaid and satisfactory to the key people in the Iraqi Governing Council. And I have a strong suspicion that in whatever period of time — you know, some days, some weeks — some period of time, we’ll find it all works out.”