‘Iraq War Has Not Tarnished US Image’

Mrs. Pearson was speaking first time in the busy days leading up to her departure from Turkey. The ambassadorial couple’s tour of duty in Turkey is coming to an end, and they will be returning to the United States after serving overseas for 10 years with the U.S. State Department.

According to Mrs. Pearson, the thing she will take with her when she leaves Turkey is the memory of a fascinating country, possessing great diversity and an intelligent and talented people. The thing she found most difficult during her three-year-stay in Ankara was the lack of inclusion in the life of average Turkish citizens due to her position as the ambassador’s spouse. "The necessities of protocol prevented me from getting together with as many people as I would have liked," she said, prompting her to say that she would like to visit Turkey as a tourist and learn more about the country after the end of their posting.

Mrs. Pearson is fond of manti (similar to ravioli) and gozleme (a kind of pancake). She finds vegetable salads made with olive oil to be delicious as well. She has a great appreciation for traditional Iznik ceramics as well as Turkish hand-wrought silver and gave numerous silver mirrors to her friends as gifts.

Nuriye Akman / /