Iraq: Tensions Escalate in Kerkuk

Reportedly the Shiites were concerned about the escalating tension in the region, and thus took the initiative and provided security on their own.

The other day, after the approval of the temporary Constitution, Arabs and Kurds celebrated boisterously and that triggered the clashes that killed an Arab and 20 Turkmen and injured nearly 20 Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens.

According to the article published in yesterday’s edition of the Monitor, The Army of Mehdi, affiliated with the Shiite Leader Muqtada Sadr, the Bedr Brigade of the Iraqi Islam Revolution Supreme Council and the Case Party, as well as thousands of Iraqi Hezbollah militia were deployed around the city. The Monitor stressed that the tension will only increase with the presence of the new Shiite Turkmen militia.

A Shiite Turkmen, Cesim Muhammed, affiliated with the Army of Mehdi says participation would grow. Despite the Peshmarga reciprocity, Shiites say, "We are good Muslims; we would not attack our Kurdish brothers and we will only protect ourselves when it is necessary.