Iraq: Intimidating Bomb

The attack did not make too much damage, thanks to the warning made by U.S. 5 days ago.

The raid came just when Turkey took initiative to launch negotiations, which could not begin, with U.S. about sending troops to Iraq.

The address of terrorist activities became the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad, following the permission of the Parliament to send troops to Iraq. When a car loaded with bombs exploded in the entrance of the Turkish Embassy, the driver of the car died and more than 10 people were wounded. According to the statement made by the Foreign Ministry, the aggressor died and two Iraqi policemen and one embassy employee were wounded. Barricades placed in front of the Embassy and thickened walls to be protected from plunderers prevented an increase in the death toll. FBI and Iraqi police launched an investigation into the attack.

The attack took place at 15.20 (in Turkey’s time) and the aggressor used a Volkswagen loaded with bombs. However, thanks to the barriers, which were raised to protect against the previous plunders, the car could not reach the Embassy. Nevertheless, one wall of the Embassy was collapsed because of the power of the bombs and the stones of the wall caused an embassy employee to break his foot. Two others were injured by the shattered windowpanes. An embassy employee said that this attack might be caused by the permit to send troops to Iraq, which the Turkish Parliament adopted.

A Different Statement
Colonel Peter Mansoor, one of the U.S. Spokespersons in Baghdad, claimed that the blast took place 500 meters away from the Turkish embassy. Mansoor said that two people from the Embassy were injured and the driver of the car died. Mansoor said; We have received signals that three days ago that such an attack on the Turkish Embassy might take place. Accordingly, we increased our security measures, which prevented a higher death toll or severe injuries.

Foreign Ministry: We Are Determined
The Foreign Ministry condemned the suicide attack on the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad. The Foreign Ministry Statement said, “We sharply condemn the attack directed towards our Embassy in Baghdad…All these actions indicate to the seriousness of the security problem in Iraq. Therefore the necessity of all the members of the international community to display at the soonest, a harmonized unity and contribute to overcome the security issue, has been confirmed once more. It is obvious that unless the problem of security is overcome it will be very difficult to provide developments in other areas.” The statement stressed that as a neighbor of Iraq, which was willing since the beginning, to assume responsibility and sacrifice, Turkey had spent all efforts, with good will and full transparency, to help this country and would continue these efforts determinedly.

U.S. Embassy: We Condemn Attack
The U.S. Embassy in Ankara condemned the suicide attack on the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad. The Spokesperson of the American Embassy said; We condemn this action and all other terrorist actions.

Bill Of Our Influence
Osman Paksut, Turkey’s Ambassador to Bagdad, said, “We have predicted that there will be a bill for the influence of Turkey in the region. It can be an action of one or more terrorist groups. However it is definitely an action of the powers, which do not want Iraq to stand her own feet.”

1.5 Hours Of Meeting
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and Chief of Joint Staff Hilmi Ozkok held a surprise meeting for the first time after the voting of the permit in Parliament. While their meeting was under way the suicide attack on the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad took place. The meeting of Erdogan and Ozkok lasted for 1.5 hours.

Sezer: Permit Does Not Mean That Troops Will Definitely Be Sent
President Ahmet Necdet Sezer said that he did not find it right to comment on the attack on the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad without learning about the underlying reasons. Before departing for Malaysia, Sezer said at the airport, “Parliament gave permission to the government regarding the issue of sending troops to Iraq. Our government will evaluate this permission. Granting permission does not mean that troops will definitely be sent. It depends on the will of the government to use this permit or not.”

On the other hand in a prompt response from Malaysia, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul condemned the raid strongly, and said that this raid showed once more the need to contribute to the security of Iraq. Gul said that the Iraqi Interim Governance Council should also condemn the attack.

Columnist Emin Colasan told NTV in the morning that “The ones who gamble are individuals, not states and governments. This government is gambling. If it wants to send soldiers, it must explain, one-by-one its reasons to do so.”