Iraq Insists that Visa Requirements Apply to Turkey

Turkish Foreign Trade Minister Kursad Tuzmen asked Al-Yawar the reasons for this policy while attending a breakfast sponsored by the External Economical Relations Committee (DEIK) (Turkish-Iraqi Business Council) at the Ankara Sheraton Hotel yesterday. Al-Yawar replied: "The visa requirement will be put into practice not for businessmen but for terrorists. We need this policty at the moment to prevent possible terrorist attacks and sabotage, however, we will not let this policy hinder our commercial relations." He said his visit to Turkey was not a coincidence and that Turkey had a special importance, "there are many issues on which we can collaborate with Turkey, we will manage this when stability is ensured." Al-Yawar continued: "We are dependent on each other, we need strong and stable neighbors like Turkey.

We want Turkey to be a member of the European Union (EU). Turkey deserves this. This will also be beneficial to the region." Emphasizing that quality, price and political balances were taken into consideration in commercial activities, Al-Yawar said Turkey meets all three criteria.

Tuzmen also underlined the importance of trade with Iraq and said, "We will get richer as our neighbor gets richer. We are thinking of the benefits to the Iraqi public."