Iran’s Missile Test Annoys Israel

One of the missiles that Iran test fired yesterday was a medium range version of the Shahab-3 rocket. That particular missile can be outfitted with a one ton nuclear warhead.

Tehran defends that the Shahab-3, introduced with the slogan "Israel should be obliterated from the map", would be used for defensive purposes.

Yesterday’s edition of Israel’s Haaretz newspaper claims that the version of the Shahab-3 test fired yesterday has a 2,000km (1240 mile) range.

America and Israel are worried that Iran, which they accuse of secretly developing nuclear weapons, could use these missile to deliver nuclear payloads.

Chief of Israeli Military Intelligence, General Aharon Zeevi, alleges that Iran is only six months away form being able to produce a nuclear weapon without foreign aid.

As for the IAEA’s decision yesterday, the recommendation presented by Germany, France, and the UK met the approval of the US and was unanimously recognized by the IAEA Administrative Board. The paper proposes that Iran should stop its uranium enrichment program immediately and obey the nuclear security agreements signed with the IAEA.

After inspectors conclude their tours of Iran’s nuclear facilities, a follow-up report will be presented at the November 30th IAEA meeting.