Indian foreign minister in Syria

The Syrian leaders are expected to brief him of their perceptions
about the evolving situation in Iraq. Both India and Syria had opposed
the US-led attack on Iraq.
India, which has turned down a US request for peacekeeping troops
in Iraq, has said its decision on the issue would depend, among other
considerations, discussions with Iraq’s neighbors.
Diplomatic sources said Sinha’s visit was also to prepare the
ground for a possible trip by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to
Syria later this year.
Officials said Sinha’s discussions with his Syrian counterpart,
who visited India last year, would cover steps to enhance bilateral
economic relations.
Syrian leaders have expressed appreciation of India’s consistent
support for the Arab cause and the Middle East peace process,
including the main Arab demand for Israeli withdrawal from occupied
Arab territories.
Similarly, New Delhi is appreciative of Syria’s consistent stand
in condemning acts of terrorism and for showing sensitivity to its
concerns in the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and other
Islamic forums.
Sinha will begin his official trip to Turkey on August 4. It will
be the first visit to Ankara in a very long time. The Indian foreign
minister will hold talks with Turkish leaders on bilateral, regional
and international issues.
Indian foreign minister will also set the stage for Vajpayee’s
visit to Turkey. He was slated to visit Turkey last year but it was
cancelled at the last moment.