Immediate ban on Coke, Pepsi Cola

Rejecting the opposition members’ notices of adjournment motion
on the issue, Speaker Manohar Joshi, however, allowed them to speak briefly.
Describing the issue as "serious and startling", Swaraj said
her reaction was the same as what members had stated after going
through media reports.
"I will collect all the facts and come back to the House," she
Shiv Sena member Suresh Jatav said the multinational companies
were not only looting the country but spreading dreaded diseases
through these soft drinks.
Samajwadi Party member Ramji Lal Suman said the companies were
selling the drinks in Europe and Western countries in which the level
of the pesticide and insecticide was very low whereas it was high in
Two other MPs sought immediate banning of these soft drinks to
save the future generations.
Coke plant received yet another jolt with the Kerala State
Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), confirming the report that sludge
from the Coca Cola plant at Plachimada in Palakkad contained high
levels of solid toxic wastes.
The government said it was taking a serious view of the matter.
A chemical analysis of the sludge sample released Wednesday by
KSPCB said it contained 201.8 mg of cadmium per kg of dryweight
against the tolerance limit of 50 mg.
Board chairman Paul Thachil said the factory had been asked to
stop supplying the sludge as manure to farmers and a detailed inquiry
was on into the matter.
"Results indicate the concentration of cadmium in the sludge is
high and it may have to be classified as hazardous waste," he said.
During a cabinet briefing, Chief Minister A K Antony said the
government was seriously examining reports of health hazards allegedly
caused by the Coke plant in Palakkad district.
A decision would be taken very soon after studying all aspects.
Antony said since the issue had now become a national one with
reports of such health hazards coming from other states as well, the
matter would be viewed seriously.
The government, meanwhile, concluded a hearing of arguments of
the company and the side which revoked the license of the plant
complaining depletion of groundwater and pollution.