Human Rights Delegation In Van

Officials from public institutions and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting headed by Van Governor Hikmet Tan.

The coordinator of the project Emel Uresin said that the aim of the project was to start a national campaign to bring awareness about human rights and democratic rules.

Klaus Slavensky who is from Danish Human Rights Institution said that there was no such project in any part of Europe, adding that COE and EU Commission worked with a state on such a human rights programme for the first time.

Noting that human rights was not only composed of the right to speak and to get organized, Slavensky said that social and cultural rights also constituted an important part of the human rights.

Upon a question about the reassociation law, Slavensky recalled that the law was covered by Danish press If a person who did a mistake in the past can’t have anything to do now, and it is the most correct decision to approach to that person, he said. ”It is very essential to associate the persons who are isolated from the society back to the society again.”