How to respond to those who are against the EU

1. They will not let us in, no matter what we do
In order to verify the validity of this argument, Turkey first must harmonize with the Copenhagen criteria (political and economic preconditions), just like all the other candidate countries. Europe knows how high the price is of leaving out Turkey, which has fulfilled every Copenhagen criterion. No country bases its policies on a certain thesis. Moreover, the Copenhagen criteria are required in line with Turkey’s own interests, not the EU’s. Should we ignore torture and human rights or bring back the death penalty just because no matter what we do, they won’t let us in their union?

2. The EU wants to divide us
Most importantly, Turkey’s division is not in the interests of the EU. A Turkey divided by ethnic or religious strife will become a source for instability for Europe. Until now, no country has been divided after becoming an EU member. Just the contrary. Countries like Spain and Ireland have rid themselves of separatist forces to a great extent through the prosperity and freedom brought by membership.

3. Kemalism will die
Nationalists in Turkey (consisting of extreme nationalists, supporters of Workers’ Party (IP) leader Dogu Perincek, and retired military-police-judiciary personnel) are now opposing the EU in the name of Kemalism and by using 1970s independence slogans. They are ignoring the fact that the globalization that is dominating the world is bringing wealth and growth through cooperation and argue against Turkey’s EU membership, claiming it would lead to a loss of independence and division in the country. They want Ankara to impose a government closed to the world and use the power of the state to pass bans.

They are right. The EU is a system totally against such an interpretation of Kemalism. The EU is the objective chosen by Ataturk. The Kemalist thinking that centers on the West will reach its objective when Turkey becomes a full member. True Kemalists will become stronger with EU membership, not the Kemalism concocted by those nationalists.

4. Our culture and identity will be erased
Just the opposite. The EU and the union of countries bound by their belief in democracy, in their respect for human rights and in the rule of law are especially sensitive about cultural differences. Member-countries are protective of their culture and identity. When Turkey becomes a full member, it will not only preserve its culture and identity, it will also be able to better advertise it. No one can say that the Eastern European countries that had protected their identity during the years of Soviet domination are threatened now.

5. Let us enter the EU honorably
The preconditions for becoming an EU member are clear. All countries that want to become members have to fulfill these preconditions. Moreover, Turkey wants to become a member. No one is forcing it to join. That’s why it is obligated to fulfill all the conditions, just like all the other candidate countries. On the other hand, there can be some truth to the argument that the rules and preconditions are being scrutinized more strictly for Turkey because of its size, cultural and religious distinctions, historical relations and the fact that it has yet to complete its economic development. Moreover, when you look at the case of Spain, the country is said to have faced numerous pressures and problems during its membership process, but it ignored the troubles and committed itself to becoming a member. It is also said that the problems experienced during the membership process were more than compensated for after becoming a member. Consequently, the important thing is not to turn every injustice or discrimination faced during the process into an issue of national honor. We should behave logically and concentrate on our long-term interests.

Both Turkey and the EU will change

Becoming a member of the EU is to accept and become part of a system. If you are happy the way Turkey is governed today or pleased with the system that has been used for the past 75 years, there is nothing to say. You can object to the EU project.

If you are against the system of corruption and every political party implementing a different economic and monetary policy, if you want change, or in other words, if you want the state to stop being an institution that is revered and to instead concentrate on serving the people, if you want no state involvement in the economy or in the issue of human rights and freedoms, then you need to support EU membership.

You shouldn’t just sit there, you have to get involved.

Don’t forget this:

The EU Turkey will join is not the EU Greece, Spain, Ireland or Portugal joined in the 1980s. The funds diverted to new members have shrunk considerably. It has become a giant with 25 members. The influence of each member has also waned.

Especially when Turkey joins the EU, both will change each other. However, Turkey will change more.

The EU is no longer the club that made you instantly rich. It has become a club you have to become a member of in order to avoid becoming a second-class country.

The decision is up to you.

However, you have to think of your children and grandchildren before making up your mind.