How can Turkey send Turkish soldiers to Iraq?

During that period, journalists were receiving totally different information and hearing differing comments from Prime Ministry, Foreign Ministry and General Staff sources.
Finally, we learned that the prime minister of that period and the AK Party leader made different proposals during their own contacts with U.S. officials. We now know that both pledged to send Turkish troops to Iraq.

This is the only information we have obtained.

While we were trying to read between the lines of the statement made by the Chief of General Staff we learned that the government, trying hard not to pass the motion that would allow the deployment of U.S. troops in Turkey and Turkish troops in Iraq, was complaining that the Turkish Army didn’t support them as much as it should. It told its U.S. counterparts that it did its best to pass the motion but it was the military that resisted.

Recently, we have been witnessing similar chaos.

There are contradictory statements from U.S. and Turkish Foreign Ministry sources about the timing of the decision that will allow Turkey to send troops to Iraq. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, in a live interview with NTV television station, stated that the U.S. did not involve itself in a fiat accompli, but it kindly asked Turkey to send its troops to Iraq and added that this decision must be taken shortly.

While Gul was noting that it would take Turkey a few months to decide to send its troops to Iraq, Richard Boucher, spokesman of the U.S. State Department, was saying that Gul has pledged to give an answer to this demand as soon as possible. In his statement, Boucher stressed that Gul told them that the issue is on the agenda and they are expecting Turkey’s answer shortly.

Boucher also noted that Powell is expecting Turkey’s decision over whether it will or will not send troops to Iraq. He underlined that this expectation rose as a result of Foreign Minister Gul’s pledges. He said that Gul, during his visit to Washington, promised Powell that the issue will be discussed in Ankara in advance.

Odd that it is.

Briefing cabinet about his visit, Gul told Prime Minister Erdogan that it would be good for Turkey to hurry. According to the sources, the Erdogan response was, "It would create an outcry if we send troops to Iraq in the absence of NATO or a UN resolution."

There is a foreign minister who, in public, says the decision can be made in a few months time, but makes differing statements behind closed doors. If this is the true picture, then the panorama is getting more serious.

There are further odd spots we have been witnessing…

It seems that the government will follow a totally different path this time.

There is growing intent to share the responsibility of taking this crucial decision that may cause serious public outcry in an effort to overcome the tension that will emerge due to this reaction. Close associates and advisors of the prime minister have already started talks with AK Party deputies in order to persuade them to support this decision.

The recent summit between the prime minister, foreign minister and the chief of general staff carries vital importance within this framework. The prime minister tried to understand the approach of the military during the summit. According to the information received from the Foreign Ministry, he also played the role of the witness in order to prevent the press from reporting different allegations about the context of the meeting.

A similar meeting will take place on Thursday. It has been rumored that the prime minister and the chief of general staff will participate together in the routine weekly talks with the president for the first time. The main topic of the meeting will be sending troops to Iraq. This meeting will allow sides to voice their own views openly, as well as take steps towards making an official decision.

We will see if Turkey will again witnesses a similar approach that neglects to accept the responsibility of the decision.