Haris al-Zari "Hostages have to be released immediately"

Spokesman of Ulema council to Iraq, Mutenna Haris al-Zari addressed to insurgents, "These barbaric actions damage to Islamic thought and shows us badly to the world. Not only Turkish hostages, all of hostages have to be released immediately. Kidnapping actions started to increase in Iraq at last days. We are calling out hostage-takers, as Ulema council, they have to release hostages. If there is no indication about them, you have to release them. Our enemies want to demonstrate Iraqi people as negative way to the world. We oppose to beheading against Americans in Iraq. We are not related with insurgents.

A Iraqi man says " We support to insurgents’ actions, If someone (Muslim or Turkish) makes cooperation with occupiers. Firms, which is worked for US-led forces, has to stop their relations with US forces. We only cannot admit behead to foreigners, and Islam…

Other Iraqi, Hussein Salah says " I can not accept this barbaric actions against foreigners, These people came to service for us, why do you damage to them, all of incidents become confused in Iraq, we do not know who did this actions.

If they continue to their barbaric actions against foreigners, we will lose their supportings for us."