Gul proposes broad-based govt in TRNC

ISTANBUL (AA) – Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul has warned leaders of political parties in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) not to resort to the method of transfering deputies with the aim of overcoming the current deadlock at the parliament following December 14’s parliamentary elections.

In response to questions in his return to Turkey from a one-week trip to Japan, Gul stressed that political parties in TRNC should not resort to the method of transfering deputies with the aim of forming a new government.

"This is the only thing that should not be done. It is extremely risky. The deputy transfer has been done in Turkish politics once. However, it caused a serious cost for Turkey and stained our politics," he said.

Reminding that Turkish Cypriot people had elected their new deputies by putting forward their preference, Gul said, "as civilized people, leaders of political parties in TRNC should come together for the interests of their own people, pave the way for their own country and seek the ways to work together in order to protect rights of Turkish Cypriot people."

Highlighting importance of forming the new government as soon as possible, Gul recalled that efforts to form the new government would start after new deputies took their oaths this week.

"The most appropriate thing is formation of a broad-based government with the participation of all political parties having seats at the parliament. If all political parties fail to come together, then the second most broad-base government model should be put into practice," he said.

Upon a question, Gul said, "there is a reasonable period of time to form the new government. But, it cannot take months. Formation of the new government should be concluded within weeks."

Gul noted that they would hold talks not only with President Rauf Denktas of TRNC, but with National Unity Party (UBP) leader Dervis Eroglu, Republican People’s Party (CTP) leader Mehmet Ali Talat and with other political leaders in TRNC.

Recalling that a week had elapsed since the parliamentary elections in TRNC that was held on December 14, Gul said, "during this period, everybody has the opportunity of thinking calmly. I am quite sure that political leaders have analyzed results of the elections in the best way. We have also carried out some works. All these efforts will be gathered together and an action plan will be prepared."

"We all should be aware of that both Turkey and TRNC have been living through a critical period. Any irresponsibility in the Cyprus question will have a serious cost both for Turkey and TRNC," he emphasized.

Noting that both the political power and the opposition in Turkey and all political parties and all institutions in TRNC should act with a serious understanding of responsibility, Gul said, "we should find a method that will provide the most optimum benefit. Otherwise, we may pay a heavy price in the future."