Growth search ends for search engine marketing

According to Forrester Research group, search engine marketing in Europe will generate billions of dollars and they are estimating 65% of growth in 2005. There are chances that keyword search will cost around five times more than it costs in US, and this might have some effect on the marketing.

However, the growth may suffer some drops, as Forrester group also expects on-line ad spending to decrease in 2007. Clearly, the growing consumer backlash against paid listings, and the growth of rich media ads will have their parts. Of course the keyword search cost will increase and some business owners may find it difficult to remain in the fray for big traffic!

There is also speculations about the growing popularity of on-line marketing trends that blend display ads and sponsored keyword listings, and thus, the search engines will respond with search types and business models that combine the best of display ads and search. And this may end up in hyper-partnering between search engines, media sites and retail sites to create networks of hybrid search marketing models.