Greek Cypriots Have No Intention to Compromise

Denktas said after the 6th round of talks that they handed to the Greek Cypriot side on February 24, the changes they wanted on the Annan Plan and in return, Greek Cypriots handed another document, of 20 pages to them.

Denktas said that the document of Greek Cypriots rejected all the proposals made by the Turkish side, and had the talks enter an impasse. He said that the Greek Cypriot claim of holding sovereignty alone, was unacceptable.

Denktas went on to say that the Greek Cypriot side demanded the lands foreseen to be left to Greek Cypriots, to be left overnight and such a practice would force Turks to leave their homes on Day One, without any rehabilitation program. Denktas said, such a practice would cause total disaster.

According to Denktas, Greek Cypriots demanded only those who were Cypriot citizens on 20 December 1963 to vote in the referendum and the Turkish-origin citizens whom they called as "Settlers" not to vote.

Denktas said that everything the Turkish side asked to be amended on the Annan Plan, was turned down by the Greek Cypriot side.

Denktas also called on EU to re-write the accession agreement of Cyprus to recognize the two ethnicities and their sovereignty, in the island