Greek Aid Melts Hearts of Earthquake Victims
A truck containing medical equipment and blankets along with a team of two Greek doctors, four nurses and a psychologist arrived in Bingol immediately following the earthquake.
The team of Greek volunteers distributed two truckloads of blankets consigned by the Bingol Governorship Crisis Desk to citizens whose homes were demolished in the villages of Sudugunu, Cimenli, Kucukbaskoy and Baliklicay in the Sancak district.
Emilia Kiope, head of the World Union of Doctors Greek program, handed out blankets to the residents of Sudugunu and shared her love with the small children of the village. Explaining the purpose of their aid, she said, "Today for you, tomorrow for us," and added: "As the Greek branch of the World Union of Doctors, we immediately brought clothing and health supplies needed as a result of the Bingol earthquake. Anyone would do the same thing. Today we are helping you; tomorrow you may help us."
Abdullah Celik / Bingol / TURKEY