
Gobbler Country’s Talking Turkey Reviews Basketball and Football Events for the Start of 2023

Stuff that Happened Since we Recorded

We are all part-time, here so the fast churn pods are out of scope for us. These stub articles are intended to keep you up to date on the events that happened after we recorded.

In the case of Hokie Sports, there was a disappointing loss for the men’s basketball team at home against Clemson. But there was an impressive shorthanded win for the women’s basketball team against the visiting Wahoos.

Taylor Soule’s stand out performance was absolutely essential given the pregame injury to Liz Kitley. Everyone needed to step up and did. Soule’s performance was worthy of some separate note, however.

The #8 Wrestlers are in action against #12 Cornell this evening. It’s another big match against a ranked opponent. It might not be an ACC conference matchup, but any meet against a team with a number listed in front of its name is a big deal.

They are grappling in the Moss Arts Center Auditorium, where hopefully the scoring will be as good as the acoustics.

So, Let’s Talk Turkey

Now It’s Your Turn to Sound Off


Which Winter sport makes their respective NCAA Tournament this Season?

  • 55%

    The women’s basketball team and the wrestlers are shoe ins. The men’s basketball team is struggling and fading they’ll have to scramble to fix their 2nd half issues.

    (15 votes)

  • 18%

    All three will get bids, the wrestlers will go deep, the women’s basketball team might, and the men’s team will probably repeat their first-round crash out habit.

    (5 votes)

  • 22%

    Too early to really predict. Let’s just say they all have a good chance, but there is still a long cold Winter road ahead and we need to keep up the positivity.

    (6 votes)

  • 3%

    I’m not into wrestling, and not particularly interested in basketball, either. I am all Hokie though and wish the best for them. Spring football is going to be important this season. GO HOKIES!!!

    (1 vote)

27 votes total

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Until next week!

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