
Global Event SAS Innovate on Tour Marks its Debut in Turkey

Turkey Embraces the Data-Driven Future with SAS Innovate on Tour

In an era where the orbit of our world is significantly influenced by data, Turkey has recently hosted the distinguished SAS Innovate on Tour for the first time. The conference, a globally anticipated event, showcased the profound impact of data and artificial intelligence (AI) on shaping the future of individuals, businesses, and nations.

SAS, a leader in innovative analytics with a sustained presence across various sectors globally and over 27 years in Turkey, continues to create value in the realms of data and AI. They brought their prime data and AI experience event to Turkish soil, sharing the latest advancements and powering business intelligence and innovation.

The conference, opened by notable figures in the financial industry and held at the luxurious Çırağan Palace Kempinski in Istanbul, gathered experts in data and AI to discuss current trends and visionary forecasts for the sector. A panel titled “Shaping the Future: The Critical Role of Data and Artificial Intelligence for Innovation” underscored the purpose of the event—facilitating collaboration and sharing knowledge to bolster the industry.

Industry managers expounded on how data governance, analysis, and AI-processing transform product development, marketing, and operations. Representatives from companies that achieved their goals using SAS solutions also shared their successful projects.

SAS Turkey and Central Asia’s General Manager highlighted the excitement of being part of the inaugural SAS Innovate on Tour event in their region. Further emphasis was put on strategic partnerships announced during the event. For instance, a collaboration with Azericard, Azerbaijan’s premier transaction center, aims to bolster secure conditions for customers using SAS Fraud Management solutions. Moreover, Neova Insurance embarks on a journey with SAS, wielding the SAS Viya platform for holistic model process management and becoming the first in Turkey to implement SAS Dynamic Actuarial Modeling.

In addition to networking, the event highlighted SAS Viya’s latest developments, including Viya Copilot—a personal assistant designed to enhance productivity for developers, data scientists, and experts. SAS Data Maker continued to introduce sector-specific GenAI assistants, aiding the industry in overcoming challenges without risking sensitive data.

The event showcased high-profile case studies from Turkey, with companies like Pegasus Airlines and IGA Istanbul Airport sharing their endeavors to improve customer satisfaction and the passenger experience through SAS Customer Intelligence 360, and other SAS-driven initiatives.

Indeed, data stands at the forefront of innovation and progress, and Turkey has embraced its pivotal role, epitomized by the successful hosting of SAS Innovate on Tour—an event that not only reflects but significantly contributes to the evolution of the industry in the data age.

Key Questions and Answers:

1. Why is the SAS Innovate on Tour event significant for Turkey?
The SAS Innovate on Tour event is significant for Turkey as it represents the country’s dedication to embracing a data-driven future. By hosting this global event, Turkey positions itself as a hub that understands the importance of data and AI in shaping industries and economies. This also offers Turkish businesses the opportunity to be on the forefront of innovative analytics and to engage with global experts.

2. What is the strategic importance of SAS’s partnerships in Turkey and Central Asia, such as with Azericard and Neova Insurance?
The strategic partnerships underline SAS’s continued investment in the region and aim to enhance the capabilities of local enterprises. With Azericard, SAS aims to improve secure customer transactions using Fraud Management solutions, while the collaboration with Neova Insurance allows leveraging the SAS Viya platform for advanced model process management. These partnerships can potentially lead to regional advancements in data governance and AI-processing capacities.

3. What are some key challenges or controversies associated with the implementation of data and AI in Turkey?
Key challenges may include ensuring data privacy and ethical use of AI, addressing the skills gap in handling advanced analytics and AI technologies, and creating a regulatory environment conducive to innovation without stifling security and transparency. Additionally, there might be geopolitical considerations about how broadly advanced technology can be shared or co-developed within the region.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

– Hosting such a prestigious event can attract foreign investment and talent, stimulating economic growth.
– The sharing of knowledge and best practices in data and AI facilitates innovation across Turkish businesses.
– It provides local companies with the exposure to cutting-edge technologies and trends, allowing them to remain competitive.
– Strategic partnerships advanced during the event can enhance efficiency and security in various sectors.

– There may be a strain on local companies to rapidly adapt to new technologies, which could lead to disruption and require significant workforce retraining.
– Data privacy concerns may be amplified, as greater data integration might heighten the risk of breaches if not managed properly.
– Smaller companies might struggle to keep up with the financial and structural demands of embracing AI and data analytics.

Related Links:
SAS Official Website

It is important to note that the hosting of the SAS Innovate on Tour in Turkey can be seen as a response to the global trend where nations are racing to harness the potential of data and AI, recognizing their transformative power in all sectors of the economy. As an emerging economy, Turkey’s involvement and eagerness to incorporate these technologies demonstrate its desire to position itself as a modern, innovative player on the international stage.

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