Germans Protest U.S. Military Bases, Iraq Occupation

The Rhine-Main air base in Frankfurt – the second largest U.S. Air Force base in Germany – is also heavily involved in troop transports to the Gulf.

The demonstrators urged the German government to stop dispatching military units in overseas mission and immediately recall troops deployed in flashpoints.

German troops are operating in Afghanistan under the umbrella of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

They have also displayed banners against the militarization of the European Union.

The Union of German Peace Movements, the rally’s organizer, distributed a statement, cautioning that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq could be a prelude to other future wars.

The statement warned that the U.S. excessive use of force will not bring peace or justice to any place in the world.

Former German defense minister and the head of the foreign affairs committee in the parliament, Volker Ruhe, warned that the situation in Iraq was slipping out control.

Ruhe, who is also member of the Christian Democrats party, launched a diatribe against the U.S. policy in Iraq, saying it spelled disaster.

Germans Probably Killed In Iraq

Meanwhile, two German security guards who have been missing in Iraq since Wednesday might have been killed, reported the German ARD TV quoting foreign ministry sources.

The foreign ministry announced Saturday, April10 , that two members of GSG- 9security police team – aged 25 and 38 — serving with their mission in Baghdad have gone missing after their diplomatic convoy was ambushed near the town of Fallujah.

The correspondent of German ZDF TV quoted a Jordanian driver, who had been with the convoy, as confirming that the pair died after their Land Cruiser came under a rocket attack.

The foreign ministry Saturday warned German nationals against traveling to Iraq and asked the60 -strong security team in the chaos-mired country to be extremely cautious.

Germany does not have military personnel serving with the U.S.-led occupation in Iraq, having been one the staunchest opponent of the invasion-turned occupation of the oil-rich Arab country.

Several foreigners have been either missing or held by Iraqi militias since the start of the U.S. offensive on Fallujah seven days ago.

Fierce battles between U.S. occupation troops and steadfast Iraqi resistance fighters have spilled over into many Sunni and Shiite cities nationwide in what is seen as a public uprising against the occupation.

Failing to win the battle, U.S. forces agreed to a 12 -hour ceasefire with Iraqi fighters in Fallujah starting Sunday, April11 ,06 : 00a.m. GMT (10: 00Baghdad time).