G-8 Summit Highlights ‘Universal Values’

The declaration, entitled ‘Cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa for a Common Future and Progress’, reads, "Values that are stated and offered in this partnership are universal values. Human rights, freedom, democracy, rule of law, economic initiative and social justice are universal desires."

Meanwhile, the Democracy Assistance Dialogue (DAD), co-chaired by Turkey, Italy and Yemen, was officially established at the summit yesterday. DAD’s mission includes improving the current democracies in the region and giving support to those countries that are willing to democratize.

Turkey’s inclusion as a co-chair of DAD gives the country a pioneering role in the democratization process of the Middle East.

Some of the items on yesterday’s agenda at the G-8 summit were microeconomic initiatives in the region, the launch of educational mobilization, encouragement of entrepreneurship and investments, formation of a loan network, women’s rights, judicial reform, freedom of the press, civil society organizations and preventing corruption.