Fresh Israeli Incursion Hours After Aqaba Summit

Israeli forces pushed into the West Bank towns of Nablus and Jenin, triggering clashes with inhabitants that left more than 10 Palestinians injured.
In Al-Khalil (Hebron), another West Bank city, Israeli forces demolished three houses of resistance fighters in southern area and imposed a curfew on the area, eyewitnesses told IOL.

Two Palestinians were abducted in the West Bank city of Tulkarem, and 11 teenagers wounded by Israeli fire as they threw stones to protest the army’s incursion into two refugee camps on the West Bank, Palestinian security sources added.

To the north, four youths were moderately wounded as they were throwing stones at Israeli soldiers in Nablus’ refugee camp of Balata, Palestinian medical sources said.

And another seven teenagers sustained injuries in similar circumstances in the refugee camp of Faraa, south of the northern West Bank town of Jenin.

In a brief incursion into the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah town, near the Egyptian border, Israeli tanks backed by bulldozers demolished four houses before pulling out, Palestinian security sources told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

An Israeli military source said that there had been mortar fire from Rafah in the direction of the nearby Jewish settlement at Gush Katif.