French-Turkish Cooperation Should Not Be Overshadowed

According to diplomatic sources de Villepin was warned with the remark, "Do not permit acts that will hinder or harm relations," in reference to an Armenian genocide monument expected to be unveiled tomorrow in Paris. An agreement was reached that these kinds of matters should not overshadow relations between the two countries.

De Villepin said that France supported Turkey’s EU membership; however, in order to secure that membership, economic, democratic and social adjustments in Turkey needed to be maintained. De Villepin added: "Turkey will add new strategic, economic and cultural dimensions to the EU. Our wish is that Turkey become a member [of the EU] as soon as possible."

Upon a question regarding the monument in Paris, the French foreign minister said: "You bring up a difficult subject. We talked with Mr. Gul on the subject. Deep relations between Turkey and France highlight what is important and what should be important. The primary duty regarding the past is the responsibility of historians. Attempts in France are not [made] for the purpose of hurting the Turkish people. The friendship between Turkey and France should not be affected by [those attempts]."

After meeting with civil public organizations, de Villepin will go to Tehran later today.

/ Ankara / TURKEY