FM Gul: "The war is over in Cyprus"

Gul, answering questions about Turkey’s attitude towards the possibility that Annan Plan’s will not be accepted by Greece, said this: "We know how the deliberations have begun. But the important subjects have not yet been touched on. The real discussion will begin after Tuesday. We hope that two sides will make an effort to arrive at an agreement. Good manners will play an important role. Then the issue will come to parliament. Turkey has been agreeing with Cyprus since the beginning. For a permanent peace, it is necessary to reduce problems, and end them. On Tuesday, we will see the result."

Gul was asked about the following statement from the Greek side: "I will not responsible for the blood shed," in the following fashion: "No, no. The war is over. Did he say that? I did not hear that. Mr. Denktas knows this. We must resolve the issue without conflict and bloodshed. During the course of negotiations both sides might say ‘no’ but given time we will resolve all these problems."

Gul was also asked about water rights issues: "That is not an issue. I do not have any information on this subject. We have enough problems. They can be solved. But we do not want new problems."