Everything may change in six months

The international condemnation and the European Union’s criticisms are exaggerated out of proportion in Turkey.

Yes. Greek Cypriots have encountered many problems as expected, after voting "NO" in the referendum.

However, we need to read the current situation correctly.

In international relations, disagreements between allies don’t last long. There may be reciprocal condemnations, but eventually everything setles down.

You’ll see. The same thing will happen between the EU and Greek Cyprus. If they cannot manage the situation appropriately in the coming weeks, they will receive a lot of beatings at the hands of the EU. The EU and the U.S. will take steps in order to ensure Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) is not punished and Greek Cypriots will be furious. Greek Cypriots will not use their veto, or will be forced not to use it, while every move that favors Turkish Cypriots will mean the strengthening of the island’s division.

The Greek Cypriots strongest supporters, Athens, will be able to do nothing. Greeks will choose to remain on the sidelines.

And, we will watch these developments with great satisfaction.

But be careful, things won’t continue like this
This is what I am most suspicious about. In other words, the danger of relaxing our hold on the controls, while watching developments that favor the Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) may come to pass.

I don’t think I am exaggerating, when I say I don’t think Greek Cyriots will continue to make such mistakes and if they play the game correctly, they’ll be out of trouble within 6-7 months. The EU’s agenda will change.

Greek Cypriots will show how good they are by agreeing to do everything that Brussels asks them to do.

Of course this scenario also includes the mistakes that will be perpetrated by some of our institution that love the country the most, our independent judiciary, police, nationalist organizations and resisting groups.

If we enter such a period, we will see that we will be at square one again.

Turkey will be asked to provide a timetable for troop withdrawal and the issue of Turkish settlers on the island will be taken up again by European institutions.

Then Greek Cypriots will be the good boys, and we will be viewed as occupiers again.

We always have to be a step ahead
I can almost imagine what you will think when you read the headline. I feel the same thing. "Will we still try to please these guys? Will we make additional sacrifices? Don’t we have any mandatory demands that have to be met?"

Everything constantly changes in international politics. You can constantly change you stance until you reach your objective. You may make sacrifices, you may bluff your way out of problems, and you may say something today that can contradict what you said yesterday. You can use double standards.

The Turkish side now has the opportunity to make the EU accept a two-state or two-region solution on Cyprus. The International community has started to ask itself, "Why do we force these people to live together, if they don’t want it?"

Turkey should not miss out on this chance.

It should do everything possible and cash in on the mistakes made by the Greek Cypriots.

There is only one way to ensure this.

"We always have to be one step ahead of the Greek Cypriots," just like Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeated constantly.

The game should be played properly. Narrow-minded nationalism should be ignored and clever and pragmatic steps should be taken.

Let’s not kid ourselves. KKTC can only become a member, together with Turkey. The prosperity in the north will be delayed. Turkish Cypriots will be able to do whatever they want with their KKTC passports, while it will be the settlers who will suffer.

If we are aiming at a two-state solution, we should continue to impress the world. Let’s surprise the people and always be a step ahead. Let’s think big.

For example:

Even if it might be described as a trick, let’s withdraw 3-4,000 troops. This won’t affect the overall security of the north.
Let’s open Maras, which we declared repeatedly that we would hand over, to the people and announce that Greek Cypriot, Turkish and international firms are allowed to invest.
Let’s allow Greek Cypriots to buy summer homes in the north.
Let’s support Greek Cypriot investment in the north.
Just like we promised in the Annan plan, let’s open the regions with religious significance in Karpaz to Greek Cypriots.
We can extend this list.

Let’s act like victors treating the defeated with dignity, just like the Ottomans did.

Let’s think in the long-term.

Let’s not miss out on the opportunity that was presented to us.

NOTE: This article appears in daily Posta and, on the same day, in daily Hurriyet’s all foreign publications, on Hurriyet’s internet site (www.hurriyetim.com.tr), on Milliyet’s internet site (www.milliyet.com.tr) and, after being translated by the Turkish Daily News staff, in both that newspaper and on the Turkish Daily News internet site (www.turkishdailynews.com).

Mehmet Ali Birand’s article is translated by TDN staff