When there is the same scenario on April 24 every year, the officials from Turkey and the countries close to Turkey say, ‘Not the politicians, but the historians should evaluate these claims. Let the historians determine the truth.’ This is a reasonable approach. However, this suggestion, which has been repeated for many years, cannot be carried out for some reason or other. Except the individual researches carried out by the Turkish and foreign historians, there isn’t a collective undertaking. As I wrote before, Turkey should be the initiator of such a joint work. This would also establish a dialogue with the circles of the Armenian origin or the circles close to the Armenian thesis.

During French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin’s visit to Ankara two days ago, this issue, with the connection of the establishment of the monument, was discussed. In this respect, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul stated that this issue shouldn’t overshadow the relations between the two countries. The difficulty faced by France is that there is a crowded Armenian lobby in the country, which affects particularly the local authority and make them accept their demands. As a French diplomat said, ‘In spite of all its efforts, the government is incapable of preventing these sorts of actions.’ The difficulty faced by Turkey is the fact that many countries have a similar stance. Can Ankara follow a successful foreign policy by being angry at these countries and damaging its relations with them? For this reason, Turkey should discuss this issue with a new approach this very moment, without waiting for the provocations to occur next year.”