European Turkey Guides Islamic World

The newspapers emphasized that a European Turkey will guide the Islamic world and noted that the clash of civilization theory will undergo a big test in the EU.

The Daily Star newspaper in Lebanon published an editorial on the issue yesterday that said the decision paves the way for significant progress for the region as much as for Turkey. The article titled, "European Turkey is Candidate for Guiding Light for Muslim World," noted that a Muslim society and a lifestyle with Islamic influence within the industrialized world can teach all the Muslim countries. According to the Daily Star, Turkey will be a model in which change and Islam do not conflict with one another.

In London, Al-Hayat newspaper published a commentary that said Turkey’s accession will change the atmosphere in the club since this is an opportunity for various religions, cultures, and civilizations to live together. This will be a big test for a world where the September 11th attacks have led to separation, clashes, mutual accusations, grudges and a culture of rejection..

Al-Mustaqbel in Lebanon wrote that the "pre-conditions" set for Turkey constitute barriers to dialogue.

The United Arab Emirate’s Al-Bayan noted that the opportunity given to Turkey for negotiations ferments conflict among EU countries.