EU Worried About Possible Immigrant Rush from Turkey

Lecturing university students in Germany yesterday, Yilmaz assessed the EU issue for EuroTurk magazine, a German-language publication printed in Turkey. Noting that the EU has not been in any kind of a hurry to accept Turkey and that Turkey has not been very quick to fulfill EU membership criteria until recently, Yilmaz said the issue had recently become more important for both sides. According to Yilmaz, European countries, particularly Germany, are concerned about a possible rush of immigrants from Turkey if it becomes a member of the EU.

"The important thing is that the administrations of European countries do not influence their own public negatively about Turkey’s membership. If these administrations approach the issue in a positive manner, then that will be reflected in the public as well. The advantages to the EU to be provided by Turkey should not be ignored. Only some private sector and political circles believe that Turkey would make a contribution to the EU from an economic point of view. Turkey is a significant buffer against Islamic fundamentalism. Islam in Turkey is conservative and democratic, not militant. Turkey has turned its face to the West, and it has managed to practice secularism and Islam in harmony. Turkey is the best prototype for a region in need of a logical model."

Zafer Ozcan / Istanbul / TURKEY