EU To Confirm Cyprus Regulations in October

The four-party group insists that the regulations will be confirmed in October, by force if necessary.

Greek Cypriot newspaper Fileleftheros contends, based upon a reliable EU source, that the group of four will certainly meet opposition from the Greek Cypriot administration.

"The current indication is that regardless of the circumstances the topic will be considered closed come October," Fileleftheros quotes the source as saying.

The paper continues, reporting that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Laura Kennedy will travel to Brussels during the first week of October. With the help of the UK she is expected to seek support for the Cyprus regulations from EU member countries. She stressed that the group of four might try to send the regulations to the General Affairs Council, which is scheduled to meet in Luxemburg on October 11.

The news also defends that the group members will do all that they can to ensure that the confirmation of the Cyprus regulations does not become entangled with the debates surrounding Turkey’s desire for a membership discussion date from the EU.

The paper concludes that the Greek Cypriot administration is aware of the activities of the group and will thus seek to make the concerns of Greek Cypriots known. Greek Cypriot leader Tasos Papadopoulos will voice his side’s position during a visit to Belgium on September 28th.