EU Involved in YOK Motion Debate

These words of Kretschmer showed that (Even) the European Union took part in the controversy over the Higher Education motion of the government, which caused big reactions on the part of the university and opposition.

Kretschmer told NTV that; The army has displayed a very correct attitude on the issue of (sending troops to) Iraq and Cyprus. This time we do not see it saying that it was up to the government to decide. These kind of general politics are not issues which the army should state its views. I wish the army should not have taken such a stance on the YOK controversy.

For the European Union, civilian-army relations is an important criteria. This is a basic democracy problem for us.

The YOK motion of the government aims at facilitating the enrollment of the graduates of Preachers’ Schools to any faculty of the university they desire, in a manner prejudicing the graduates of academic lycees. It is being criticized by almost all the institutions of Turkey, including the academic associations, university and the army, as an attempted blow on secularism in Turkey.

Recognize Greek Cypriots!

Kretschtmer also said that it was not easy to think that Turkey could have accession talks without recognizing one of the 25 countries that will be a party in these. Therefore he said, recognizing the Greek Cypriot state, would help. He also questioned the presence of Turkish troops in Cyprus.

Columnist Emin Colasan said on NTV Channel that “We did not expect the army to make a statement on the issue, but it did. So we do not know what might the soldier do now. We shall wait and see.”

He said “The source and essence of the YOK motion is Preacher’s Schools. The intention is to train Islamists, not Islam theologizes, Obstinacy will damage only the government itself. This tension is not good for our economy which is on the razor’s edge.