EU hails Talat victory in TRNC poll

The statement, issued after provisional results of the TRNC election were released late Sunday evening, showing Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat’s Republican Turkish Party (CTP) having taken more than 44 percent of the vote, giving it 25 deputies in the 50 seat legislature.
“The Commission welcomes the results of the parliamentary elections in the northern part of Cyprus,” the statement said.
“The results indicate a clear desire of the Turkish Cypriot community to continue preparations for their full integration into the EU. The results also show that the Turkish Cypriots are committed to the reunification of Cyprus.”
Talat is a strong supporter of reunification of the two states on the island and of Turkish Cypriots being a part of the EU. He and his party campaigned in favour of a yes vote in last April’s United Nations sponsored referendum on reunification. However, while almost 75 percent of Turkish Cypriots backed the proposal, an equal number of citizens in the Greek Cypriot administered south of the island rejected it.