EU Constitution shouldn’t be discussed again

Erdogan delivered a brief speech at the European Union (EU) Intergovernmental Conference on the EU’s Constitution in Rome on Saturday.

Stating that the convention provided consensus on a single document with a creative and realistic approach, he said that it would be beneficial not to open the whole draft to discussion again.

Erdogan said that he was pleased with mentioning Turkey’s views in general in the Draft Constitutional Treaty.

Erdogan said Turkey welcomes formation of the Council of the European Union in respect to the issues that are currently discussed. He said "we think that duties of Council Chairman should be determined in a detailed way. We support new definition of qualified majority. The principle that member countries should be equal should be basic. A commission, which will include commissioners that do not have the right to vote, should be preferred to a formation in which all member countries are not represented. This rule should be carried out in line with principles of equality and justice. We support that an office of Foreign Ministry should be created aiming to carry out joint foreign and security policy. It would be better to further clarify authority and responsibilities of the minister."

Erdogan said Turkey supported a European Security and Defense Policy which may strengthen the role of the union to be an important actor in international area.

Erdogan said the union should react an operational capability that may activate military and civilian means through ESDP.

Stating that they totally supported the studies in this respect, Erdogan said, "we should preserve and further improve current ties with our other NATO allies, and we should refrain from initiatives that may lead to loss of source."