EU Commission begins writing the final report

The prime minister with his agressive manner has damaged the atmosphere. In this light, we drop everything and forget more important issues and become part of this vicious circle.

However — maybe we are not aware — but the reform packages have been completed and most important of all, preparations for writing the final report on Turkey, which carries vital importance for the country getting a negotiation date, have began.

Let me note that this report will include the findings of the European Commission, the evaluation of 15 member-country’s representatives and reports from international organizations.

The European Commission’s Turkey desk has started to collect early data. The commission team that is in charge is now going to write the final report that will be issued in October. But incoming commission officials will complete the other procedure as the commission goes through a change. A brand-new team will be in place after the enlargement.

This situation may cause negative results for Turkey. The Verhaugen-Prodi duo, who know Turkey and its problems well and who even support Turkey’s full membership in the EU, will leave and those who have no familiarity with our country will replace them. In this light, it is a great opportunity for Turkey that this final report will be written by the old team.

Winds of change in the commission
The atmosphere in the European Commission is vital for Turkey since the report is in their hands. A day ago, I had a chance to telephone officials at the commission. And I see the atmosphere has changed.

An official who said it was a great surprise for them to see that articles referring to gender equality and the extradition of international criminals were included in the recent reform package noted that the climate in the commission had changed to Turkey’s advantage.

I had talked with the same official a few months ago, and he told me that there were concerns in some of the commission’s departments, referring to Turkey. Some directors believed that it wouldn’t be right for them to give a date to Turkey.

But after Turkey’s performance on the Cyprus issue and after completing the reform packages, these opposing voices were toned down. It is said that there has been a common reconciliation that Turkey should get a date from the commission. What is being discussed now is when and how it will get a date.

It is highly interesting that statements made by French President Chirac about Turkey are being perceived as positive.

However, Chirac’s speech was viewed negatively in Turkey.

The same official says: "The commission can implement what Chirac said. In other words, Turkey can have a date and start negotiations. The rest will play out according to its own dynamics. This is what the French president wants." He believes the French government has given a green light to Turkey.

What should Turkey do over the next six months?
I can summarize how the official responded to my question of what Turkey should do in the next six months:

At least give a few examples as proof that you have been implementing the reforms. Highlight some examples and show them to the world.
Your prime minister must tour Europe and to convince some European capitals that have not yet determined their position on Turkey’s EU membership.
Don’t take any steps that contradict EU norms.
The last warning was interesting.

It is our habit to make a wrong move as we get closer to our target.