Erdogan Requests Start of Negotiations in March-April 2005

In statements he made to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Erdogan expresses that Turkey has achieved the tasks assigned to it and that the European Union (EU) should keep its promises too. "Turkey has accomplished its responsibilities, now it is time for our European friends to do the same. It’s their turn to pass the exam. We have completed the adjustment process to the EU criteria." La Repubblica published the interview with Erdogan under the title "Erdogan: We have been tested enough, now Europe should keep its promises."

The Turkish Prime Minister indicated that the calls for a referendum in some European countries for Turkey’s full membership is obviously discrimination. Responding to a question about motives of those questioning Turkey’s membership, Erdogan said: "They want to block the decision for an immediate start-date for negotiations in the December 17th Summit, or they want to delay it. By exploiting the public’s lack of information, they seek to manipulate their own governments on Turkey’s membership to EU."