Erdogan: EU trying to see its own future

Speaking in the meeting of Justice and Development Party (AK Party) at parliament, Erdogan said that regional developments, meetings and visits all showed rising star of Turkey.

Erdogan noted that Turkey’s relations with its neighbors and other foreign countries had improved in the last one year.

Recalling that he attended Bertalsmann Forum in Germany last week, Erdogan said, "I had the opportunity to stress that a Turkey, which has integrated with EU, will undertake an indispensable responsibility in prevention of possible political and cultural divisions in a large geography and contribute to peace, stability and security of Europe."

Erdogan went on saying, "a Turkey, which has integrated to the single market after completing necessary structural reforms, will be a new source of economic dynamism not a burden for EU. Moreover, Turkey, which is situated in the center of transportation and energy networks among Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Middle East, has an additional strategic importance for sustainable development of European economy. I stressed all these in my speech and pointed to strategic importance of Turkey’s EU membership."

"Also, I stated that Turkey extended its hand to contribute to world peace through EU membership and expressed our hope that our hand will not be ignored. Necessity of Turkey’s EU accession was stated in such an advanced way that wishes exceeding our statements about our EU target were expressed. EU is trying to see its future not only on the basis of ‘enlargement’ but also on the basis of ‘contributions.’ Turkey’s EU membership demand seemed as a problem within the scope of enlargement at first but in fact, it was a step related with contributions to be made to EU," Erdogan added