EP: Your Secularist Concept Differs

The report and its draft resolution prepared by Christian Democrat Deputy Arie Oostlander will be finalized at the general assembly of EP, but will not be binding on Turkey.

The draft said that “In spite of a strong opposition” , Turkey had taken brave steps to harmonize with EU laws , but still further reforms and their realistic implementation, were necessary.

According to the report; Despite the firmness of the Turkish Government, Turkey can still not fulfill the Copenhagen political criteria and has failed to create a clear framework guaranteeing political, social, economic and cultural rights. The report criticizes Turkey for maintaining the 1982 constitution which bears the “Stamp of the authoritarian 1982 regime” and calls on Turkey to replace it with a new one.

The report which praised the AKP government for its accelerated reformization steps in spite of the Iraqi War and terror threat, said that the final word for Turkey’s admission to EU will be said by European citizens and therefore, they should be convinced.


According to the report restricting the political and social power of the Turkish Armed Forces is “Difficult but inevitable.” On Cyprus, the report said that ; The stance of Turkey towards Cyprus reflected the political power of the army.

However the EP voiced confidence in the AKP government that it will safeguard democratic values.

The report demanded from Turkey to democratize such organizations as Higher Education Board YOK and High Radio-TV Board RTUK and to eliminate their members from the army. The draft report called on Turkey to lift State Security Court, place more emphasis on fighting corruption, rendering the judiciary more skillful and independent, to end torture and pardon Leyla Zana and her friends.


The report of Ooslander also criticized EU for not extending the necessary support to Turkey in her fight against terror and condemned its refusal to declare IBDA-C , a terror organization. However EU had included this (Islamist) organization into its terror list in December.

Sahin: This will not Effect the Decision

Deputy PM Mehmet Ali Sahin said that the report will not affect adversely, the decision to be made by EU in December about giving a engotiating date to Turkey.