Elekdag is correct on Washington’s policy

According to Elekdag, Washington wants the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Turkish officials to reach a compromise and is pressing Turkey on the issue. The reason Turkey is not doing anything to the PKK forces holed up in Kandil Mountains is that it is being encouraged to solve the problem without using armed force.

Elekdag is a reliable person and makes realistic analyses.

I don’t know if the Americans are pressing Turkey on the issue, but the general attitude of the United States gives us this impression. They act like they want to get results without a fight.

Besir Atalay surprises everyone
Besir Atalay has recently appeared as a person on the rise among Cabinet members. He is one of the government’s most determined people concerning European Union membership. He recently reacted harshly against restrictions in regulations on Kurdish broadcasting devised by the Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTUK). He also was unhappy that the regulations were sent directly to the Prime Ministry without consultations with the Secretariat-General for EU Affairs (ABGS).

We need people like Atalay in politics.

Ismail Cem finds his place in politics
New Turkey Party (YTP) Chairman Ismail Cem had tried to find a place for his party in the last elections, but it was a fruitless effort for him. First, misunderstandings and disagreements over Kemal Dervis caused the party to participate in the elections at a disadvantage. Then, surprisingly, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) eliminated all other contenders in the elections, with the YTP sharing in the disaster. A majority of people began to support the Republican People’s Party (CHP) against the AK Party in the hope that it would be able to stop the AK Party. In the end, the YTP was left alone.

However, things have begun to change.

The Democratic Left Party (DSP) is losing ground day by day, and its chairman, Bulent Ecevit, recently announced that he would resign from his party and quit politics. Moreover, the CHP has failed to produce what people expect from it. The CHP’s policies on the Cyprus and EU issues, which are similar to the military’s attitude, have disturbed many people.

Therefore, the parties on the left are losing ground and the AK Party is becoming a party without an alternative; however, people do not want to give that much power to the AK Party. Moreover, not only those with leftist tendencies but also those on the right are searching for an alternative party.

Considering all these facts, attempts on the part of the YTP and the Social Democrat People’s Party (SHP) to join forces in the upcoming elections could be interpreted as a positive approach to this situation. We might view this attempt as a first step in a series of developments that could give people hope. Cem is now beginning to find his place in Turkish politics.

A YTP-SHP cooperation embracing EU membership and distanced from the pro-state policies of the CHP may attract a significant number of votes.

Erbakan should not be left in this position
You may not share the views of Necmettin Erbakan, or you may even have opposed his policies and fought against them.

However, a former prime minister and leader who has spent his entire life contributing to our political life should not be treated like this and left in this kind of position.

Some hold that the so-called "deep state" is punishing Erbakan, or that those who can’t touch Prime Minister Erdogan seem to find it easier to vent their frustrations on Erbakan.

We shouldn’t do that.

We should protect the rights of those whose ideas are different from ours. We cannot achieve anything by degrading people.