Egypt: We Share Turkey’s Reform Perspective

"For us, Ihsanoglu’s personality is very important. I also find it noteworthy that he was assigned to the position via an election. That Turkey expresses an interest in the Islamic world is a great benefit," said Maher.

The Egyptian Foreign Minister also commented on Turkey’s attendance at last week’s G-8 (The Group of Eight) summit in the U.S. "We are for each country reaching their own independent decisions. We respect Turkey’s choice. We share Turkey’s perspective on the subject of reform. I was briefed on the G-8 meeting by [Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah] Gul."

When the Egyptian Foreign Minister was asked why Egypt chose not to attend the G-8 summit, he replied, "We did not see it as a platform where the issues of the region would be taken sincerely. Besides, President Husnu Mubarak had previously discussed these issues with U.S. President George W. Bush."

In other reactions to Ihsanoglu’s victory in the OIC elections, Palestinian Ambassador to Turkey Fuat Yasin said, "I requested support one by one for the Turkish candidate. In my perspective, Ihsanoglu’s background is extremely important. We could compare it if you wish. We would like Turkey to become more active in the Islamic world."

Another high-level diplomatic source said that the result indicates the acknowledgement of Turkey’s leadership role. The source pointed out that the election process highlighted the importance of democracy to bring out different views. "With this democratic method we recorded our image in the Islamic world. We will be a bridge between the West and the region," added the source.