Egypt Denies Nuclear Experiments in Turkey

An official from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry told Zaman that the claims were made intentionally, but that Egypt never had military nuclear programs or conducted common experiments in Turkey or any other country.

The Washington Post carried an article the other day claiming that Egyptian scientists conducted nuclear experiments in Turkey and France in the 1970s and 1980s. According to Egyptian officials, the claims regarding the development of nuclear weapon program are aimed at oppressing Cairo. Egypt is one of the nations targeted in the Extended Middle East Project proposed by the US. The American Associated Press Agency published claims three days ago based on the Vienna based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Cairo worked on military nuclear programs as recently as last year. Egypt insists its nuclear programs are completely peaceful in intent.

Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif told Al Ahram newspaper that Egypt has a peaceful nuclear program for electricity production and water treatment. Nazif noted if it was determined to be economic, they would keep the right to establish nuclear energy plants.