Education Budget Exceeded Defense For The First Time

Gönül answered the questions of Hurriyet during the NATO Summit and said, “This year, for the first time, our defense budget was not the highest but the second highest item. Our national education budget outnumbered our defense budget.”

He told that the cancellation concerning three military bids had been influential on this record reduction and that the defense appropriation which was 10 quadrillion 889 trillion 575 million, declined to 6.8 quadrillion, by this saving.

Having done this surprise, the government is also preparing itself to a reduction in the number of soldiers. Asked about which units will be abolished, Vecdi Gonul said that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) itself was making the plan and would declare it when it was decided. According to the information obtained, an education brigade in the Greek border and two other brigades in Cankırı and in the eastern cities will be dissolved.