DSP leader Ecevit visits TRNC President Denktas

ANKARA (AA) – “There has been some worrisome formations in Cyprus both for Turkish and Greek Cypriots,” Ecevit said prior to his departure for Cyprus.

Stating that the Greek Cypriots had attacked on the Turkish Cypriots before the Turkish Peace Operation in 1974, Ecevit said that after this operation there had been peace for nearly 30 years.

Stating that peace in the island will be in danger in case of the implementation of the Annan plan, Ecevit said, “A democracy had settled both in the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides. Turkish Cypriots’ great leader Denktas spent efforts to ban the negative developments.

Asked whether the publics would vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’, Ecevit said, “No one knows whether ‘yes’ or ‘no’ would be more beneficial. An unexampled process has started. Neither positive nor negative expectation can be foreseen about the process.”

Stating that he is goes to the island to see the recent situation, Ecevit said he would also visit the Turkish Armed Forces.