Don’t expect any cash prizes

This outlook is close to getting out of control because some are calling for immediate results. In other words, the European Union Ministers Council or their leaders should immediately reward the Turkish Cypriots while punishing the Greeks.

However, patience dominates international relations.

We have to wait and play the game according to the rules.

On the other hand, European Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen’s statement after the commission meeting in Luxemburg was full of remarks that pointed towards a plan being formulated.

Verheugen stressed the importance of the end of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s (KKTC) isolation and added that they should not suffer because of the Greek Cypriot rejection. He did not say, "Forget about what we said yesterday." He also noted that the EU Commission would prepare a new package.

His statements at the press conference also outlined the way the EU Commission is thinking.

According to his statements, the KKTC will not be recognized as a state, but relations will be built without declaring its status. In other words, the Greek Cypriots will not be able to represent the entire island. The commission will ensure the lifting of all the trade and economic embargoes on the Turkish region. It appears that the current border will continue to divide the sides. Moreover, financial assistance will be given directly to the KKTC, not via Greek Cyprus.

The fact everyone has to get used to is that we are entering an uncertain period. The certainties we have lived with for the past 30 years are changing. We need to produce visionary and creative policies. If we don’t produce them, some one else will present them to us.

That’s what the danger is.

Denktas did not know the Turks or the Greeks
To tell the truth, I was very surprised.

I used to describe KKTC President Rauf Denktas as a person who knew about the attitudes of both Turkish and Greek Cypriots. However, when I looked at the latest discussions and the results of the referenda, I came to the conclusion that he knew nothing about either the Turkish or the Greek Cypriots.

Ever since the beginning, he said the Greek Cypriots would support the Annan plan and would utilize this chance to fully wipe out the Turkish community. He claimed, up until the last minute, that the Greek Cypriots would be for the plan. He even said: "Don’t be tricked by this. They are behaving in such a way to catch us unawares. They will change their stance at the last minute."

The result says everything.

It appears that Denktas is also unaware of what happens in his community, as well.

He waged a very effective campaign.

He not only brought in teams from Ankara but also received backing from some influential political leaders.

The result is clear.

He ruined his standing. We wanted to remember him as a historic personality.

What will happen to Loizidou cases?
With the expected results emerging from the referenda, there may be some political decisions made to relax the KKTC’s isolation, but what will happen to the most dangerous matter for Turkey? I am talking about the Loizidou cases waiting in a European court.

You might remember how this process came about. Loizidou’s case was delayed in the European court for years in the hope of both sides reaching a settlement, before Democratic Left Party (DSP) leader and former Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit famously said: "The Cyprus issue was solved after the 1974 intervention. There is no reason to find another solution." His statement resulted in the court taking up the case and fining Turkey $1 million. Right now there are 47 similar cases at the court. Additionally, there are 1,500 cases waiting for their turn.

If the Annan plan had been accepted, all these cases would have been dropped.

It wasn’t.

So, what can we look forward to now?

European court Judge Riza Turmen’s statements on Monday’s MANSET program may give us an idea. Turmen said the court, after the conclusion of the Loizidou case, would decide whether to recognize the property commission set up by the KKTC as an effective judicial agency.

If this commission is accepted, the European court will send the cases to this commission. In other words, domestic judicial procedure will be completed before the court takes up the matter. This will significantly relieve Turkey from a lot of pressure. The court decision will be influenced by the European Union’s attitude towards Cyprus.