Disappointed by Bush, Muslims Turn to Kerry

According to an email survey conducted by the Muslim human rights association, Council of American-Islam Relations (CAIR), 54 percent of 1,100 participants said that they would vote for Kerry. 26 percent responded that they would vote for Ralph Nader, while 14 percent remain undecided. Only two percent said they would vote for the incumbent, a remarkable about-face from the 70 percent Bush received during the same survey in 2000.

Disagreements among Muslims during a Tuesday (July 27) night meeting held by the Boston Islam Society attracted the attention of attending delegates. One of the guests asked the delegates how they could justify supporting Kerry when he paid very little attention to the concerns of Muslim voters. Another guest reminded that Kerry supported Israel’s West Bank security wall.

Leaping to Kerry’s defense, party member Mona Mohib said, "I also feel sorry for the matters you mentioned; however, we do not have any alternative other than to support Kerry."